Khaidarov Ismatulla Asatullaevich
Haydarov Ismatulla Asatullaevich - He has extensive experience in teaching and conducting trainings on "Basics of Transport Logistics".
Objective of the subject: Transport logistics is not just "delivering goods from point A to point B", but an entire art requiring planning, negotiation, calculation and knowledge of legislation skills. It is these specialists who can significantly optimize the process of cargo transportation, want to see employers as their employees.
For whom the course is designed: The course is designed for owners, managers, chiefs and specialists of logistics and foreign trade departments, managers and employees of logistics departments and foreign trade services.
Style: Khaidarov Ismatulla Asatullaevich conducts training brightly and captivatingly, using interesting examples from her own practice. To facilitate the understanding of the educational material, it uses visual materials, conducts discussions and business games, which helps students to quickly and fully absorb the curriculum. In detail answers all the questions arising from the listeners, easily finding an individual approach to each. With pleasure he shares the secrets of his profession and gives a lot of useful information about the specifics of the work. At the same time, it is very exacting in checking and assessing the knowledge of students on the basis of learning outcomes.
The slogan: Trainings for me is an opportunity to create for people the conditions in which they unfold, develop, expand their outlook and begin to achieve results, learn to be the creators of their lives.